
I cannot begin to tell you how much Gabriela has LOVED ballet with you. It is by far the constant highlight of her week, (after week after week). Karen has shown me pictures of your lessons for Gabi’s older sisters, Cata and Sabi, and they have celebrated with her the excitement she expresses each week.
Having a niece who aspires to professional ballet and dance, and having even done a lot of ballet when I was younger, I am truly in awe of the joy you spread to all your young students. It has been a thrill, and we are so sorry to have to leave, especially mid-year.
Please share our many joys and for certain we will try to find something for Gabi in Manhattan that rivals the mix of technique, patients and joy that you have inspired.
Karen Millon, Paul Haser and Gabriela Haser-Millon
I wanted to drop you a note to say ballet is the best thing for both Abby and Alex. Since joining your class, Alex has worn a “ballet skirt” every day and is so excited about her weekly class. Abby is enjoying being the big sister. I came by last week to catch the girls in action and it was pure magic!
I’m Indy’s grandmother and was at the recital today.  I thought it was joyous and entertaining.  I love the way you teach the kids.  It is the highlight of Indy’s life.  I’ve taught her that ballet is on Monday, but I haven’t taught her all the days of the week.  So, every time I see her, she asks me if tomorrow is Monday.  It amazed me to see how much more they had learned this year.  You have an amazing talent and methodology.
I just wanted to reach out and let you know that my two daughters, Georgia and Melanie, who are in your Monday musical theatre class, have literally not stopped talking about it! Just wanted to thank you for such a great first class!
Amie H
My daughter loved her first class last week! Couldn’t stop talking about it and showing me her newly learned ballet steps. So adorable!!! Thank you for hosting the classes at the daycare and making this experience possible for Natalia!